If so, then that cuts against any claim of cognitive impairment.
That purported move was performed with incredible subtlety, finesse, and planning. The set-up: "my throat hurts [so I couldn't speak into that too-low mic]". The replay of the head pose 20 seconds later, this time with innocent narration. The patter lacking any hint whatsoev…
If so, then that cuts against any claim of cognitive impairment.
That purported move was performed with incredible subtlety, finesse, and planning. The set-up: "my throat hurts [so I couldn't speak into that too-low mic]". The replay of the head pose 20 seconds later, this time with innocent narration. The patter lacking any hint whatsoever of a lewd interpretation.
When a comedian makes a double entendre, it's more than a tiny sliver. They pause, they wink in some manner, they make sure the audience gets it. Obama's hand gesture at his convention speech was a brilliant comedic move. Not in the gesture itself, but by the giveaway tell: without moving his head, his eyes glanced down at his hands for a split second, as if to take a peek.
Does Trump have that much discipline, to pull this off so smoothly with no boast and barely a smirk? Trump's transgressive persona is crude, careless, and self-indulgent. All indications are, he's really like that all the time.
So then, impaired?, or razer sharp, brilliant performer? What's your pick? I don't give him that much credit. It's neither. He was simply irritably complaining about the mic.
If so, then that cuts against any claim of cognitive impairment.
That purported move was performed with incredible subtlety, finesse, and planning. The set-up: "my throat hurts [so I couldn't speak into that too-low mic]". The replay of the head pose 20 seconds later, this time with innocent narration. The patter lacking any hint whatsoever of a lewd interpretation.
When a comedian makes a double entendre, it's more than a tiny sliver. They pause, they wink in some manner, they make sure the audience gets it. Obama's hand gesture at his convention speech was a brilliant comedic move. Not in the gesture itself, but by the giveaway tell: without moving his head, his eyes glanced down at his hands for a split second, as if to take a peek.
Does Trump have that much discipline, to pull this off so smoothly with no boast and barely a smirk? Trump's transgressive persona is crude, careless, and self-indulgent. All indications are, he's really like that all the time.
So then, impaired?, or razer sharp, brilliant performer? What's your pick? I don't give him that much credit. It's neither. He was simply irritably complaining about the mic.