Transformer-based LLMs are definitely something to remember as we move forward with AI R&D, but they should not be a stepping stone; this is my opinion and what I am practicing.
Learning about Transformers gave me an idea to algorithmically correlate words to each other.
The simplest useful relationship can be expressed as a trigram: previous word, current word, and next word.
Using those trigrams, a Natural Language Generator (NLG) that I wrote makes grammatically-correct sentences not in the training set such as the ones below:
====== NLG-generated ==========
I want to speak more.
I want to change her tune.
There is too much overhead and uncertainty in GenAI's Transformers to make them a foundation for future AI R&D.
Thanks for your input Andy.
Transformer-based LLMs are definitely something to remember as we move forward with AI R&D, but they should not be a stepping stone; this is my opinion and what I am practicing.
Learning about Transformers gave me an idea to algorithmically correlate words to each other.
The simplest useful relationship can be expressed as a trigram: previous word, current word, and next word.
Using those trigrams, a Natural Language Generator (NLG) that I wrote makes grammatically-correct sentences not in the training set such as the ones below:
====== NLG-generated ==========
I want to speak more.
I want to change her tune.
There is too much overhead and uncertainty in GenAI's Transformers to make them a foundation for future AI R&D.
Like Gary says, LLM will have their place in the AI pantheon, but not as a stepping stone to any kind of true AI, even less AGI.
Hi Andy, we can fuse that vast amount of data and make statistical predictions using algorithms running on the C and other computer languages.
That is exactly what I am doing in my NLG.
I trained it with 13 public domain books, I coded its algorithms, I can explain how it generates each sentence.
We can map the capabilities of Transformers into much more efficient programs.
I trained and inference on a 10-year old laptop running Linux and using no more than 2Gbytes of memory and no more than 200 MBytes of disk.
Plus, I don't need to start over, I've been working on my AI R&D for a year now.