Here's my bet: Ilya Sutskever will join Google DeepMind in the next few months.

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Google doesn't need Ilya.

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Are we sure the script for this story hasn't been written by ChatGPT?

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These boys clearly aren't eating enough dark chocolate.

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Cue up Ray Charles: "Here we go again..."

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This show is awful. I'll just read the wiki recap after it's over.

Season 1 = Three Stooges + Silicon Valley

Season 2 = Three Stooges + X (maybe even literally?!)

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In this little psycho-political-business dumpster fire, it gets tricky to use charged words like “abusive”, given they are so relative to perceptions, situations, and interpretations of that concept, so popularized and weaponized in a therapy-heavy culture. Not to mention that a CEO in an intense and competitive business, just as in politics, is inevitably going to rub some the wrong way and create “enemies”.

I thought that before I saw this line::

“Although the board members didn’t use the language of abuse to describe Altman’s behavior, these complaints echoed some of their interactions with Altman over the years…”

That being said, as discussed here before, there seems to be some evidence for some slippery, not-very-open, manipulative power-play behavior on his part … and I haven’t even gotten into Ilya’s character! But yeah, great silicon valley soap opera… grab yer popcorn. :)

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Season Two Episode one. LOL. Still not at the level of the writing of Slow Horses, though. By. Far.

But it does seem the knives could not be sheathed again after they had been drawn, whatever ❤️❤️❤️ Sam posted in Ilya's direction before.

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The Washington Post broke an Open air story 20 minutes ago. Says Sam was abusive and pitted employees against each other.

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That doesn't jive with hundreds of employees threatening to leave in solidarity with Sam. https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/20/tech/openai-employees-quit-mira-murati-sam-altman/index.html

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It does if firing Altman was going to prevent their big pay day.

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The Altman stories are all false flags spread by AI prior to it's December 31world take over. 😉

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