I think #6 needs to be better specified. The degree of difficulty of code varies widely. An operating system kernel or a compiler, just to take two examples off the top of my head, are far more difficult than, say, reimplementing Substack. Also, languages differ widely in their verbosity; 10kLoC of Prolog can express hundreds of times as…
I think #6 needs to be better specified. The degree of difficulty of code varies widely. An operating system kernel or a compiler, just to take two examples off the top of my head, are far more difficult than, say, reimplementing Substack. Also, languages differ widely in their verbosity; 10kLoC of Prolog can express hundreds of times as much logic as 10kLoC of Cobol.
It's hard to see how to specify the difficulty, though, without being too specific about the task. Not sure what I can suggest here.
I think #6 needs to be better specified. The degree of difficulty of code varies widely. An operating system kernel or a compiler, just to take two examples off the top of my head, are far more difficult than, say, reimplementing Substack. Also, languages differ widely in their verbosity; 10kLoC of Prolog can express hundreds of times as much logic as 10kLoC of Cobol.
It's hard to see how to specify the difficulty, though, without being too specific about the task. Not sure what I can suggest here.