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Could you please provide links to the many articles you wrote documenting Biden's obvious decline?

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his decline was not obvious until the debate. i supported the proposal to replace him. he is no longer a candidate.

trump: i only commented on his dementia recently when it took a sharp turn down, because he is a candidate.

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You say Trump has dementia.

1. What are the criteria for a diagnosis of dementia and how has Trump met those criteria (hint- a diagnosis of dementia requires more than having 8 signs)?

2. You've already said you're not a clinician, but pretend you were (kind of like an AI) and tell us what your differential diagnosis would include other than dementia.

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You asked this of Gary Marcus, but I'll reply...first with a question myself:

Do you agree that Donald Trump is pantomiming fellatio at 3:00 into this video?


I've changed my mind, and now agree with Gary Marcus that Donald Trump was indeed pantomiming fellatio at 3:00 into the video. Do you agree?

If we agree that Donald Trump was indeed pantomiming fellatio, one possible reason that does not involve disinhibition due to progressing dementia, is that he simply thinks that such behavior can help him win this election.

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Mark, I'm not sure I'm following you (maybe you put your comment in the wrong section?). My two questions for Gary Marcus weren't about whether Trump was pantomiming fellatio at that rally.

But my answer to the question is Trump was ranting about being supplied bad mics and low mic stands and he made a pantomime fellatio joke that the people in the rally laughed at. I think the audience response best answers the question - that Trump pantomiming fellation was a joke and they found it funny. The video you linked to provided context. I've not seen them, but I imagine somebody might make a 5-second clip that leaves out the low mic stand rant and leaves the viewer of a hypothetical 5-sec clip to just assume Trump was pantomiming fellatio for no reason.

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"Mark, I'm not sure I'm following you (maybe you put your comment in the wrong section?)."

No, I was responding to your second comment:

"2. You've already said you're not a clinician, but pretend you were (kind of like an AI) and tell us what your differential diagnosis would include other than dementia."

But before I responded to your second point, I wanted to make sure we agreed to a fact. We do agree. He was pantomiming fellatio. And I assume we agree that behavior is extremely unusual in a presidential candidate. In fact, I'm certain it has never happened before. And if someone had said even 10 years ago, that it ever *would* happen--a presidential candidate simulating fellatio at a political rally--I think most people would have said, "No way! That's crazy! That will never happen."

So we both agree that it was extremely unusual behavior, representing a total lack of inhibition. Therefore, the only question is whether that total lack of inhibition stemmed from onsetting dementia or some other possibility. I was putting forward the possibility that Donald Trump has simply come to the conclusion that not following norms of any kind will get him elected President of the United States in a few days.

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I've changed my mind. Trump did not simulate fellatio. It was a non-fellatio joke about a mic stand that was too low. I know you agree with me.

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I already told I thought Trumps pantomiming fellation was a joke following a rant about being provided a mic stand that was too low. I'm sure we both agree about that. I've seen other presidents make jokes, so it's not a first. I'm glad we both agree about this too.

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"I've changed my mind. Trump did not simulate fellatio. It was a non-fellatio joke about a mic stand that was too low. I know you agree with me."

"I already told I thought Trumps pantomiming fellation was a joke following a rant about being provided a mic stand that was too low."

Try to agree with yourself, first.

"I've seen other presidents make jokes, so it's not a first."

You've never seen a presidential candidate simulate fellatio at a rally. No presidential candidate has ever been *remotely* that crude. (Feel free to disagree, but if you disagree, provide evidence. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.")

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When one changes one's mind, one no longer agrees with the first position. That's how changing one's mind works. I know you agree with this. Or at least you will if you think about it.

We both know Trump did not crudely simulate fellatio and have both said so because we both watched the video. We both know that the video is the evidence that we both made our decision on.

You might want to try to agree with yourself. Part of you is really onto something.

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I changed my mind--that Trump did actually simulate fellatio--after looking at the video more carefully. When I first watched the full video, I simply watched the entire approximately four minutes, without focusing on what he did at 3:00 into the video.

You "changed" your mind, because your acknowledgement that he did simulate fellatio became inconvenient for you.

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I changed my mind once and I'm sticking to it.

You've changed your mind twice. Now that you have you changed it again you should go to you other comments where you were last in the "no Trump fellatio" camp and let them know. Be consistent.

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It was mentioned long before that ЁЯШЙ

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Google тАЬwhataboutismтАЭ classic fallacy

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Google "TDS" classic mind virus

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The only TDS I see are cultists ponying up for overpriced sneakers and NFTs of homoerotic Trump fan art. Now THAT's deranged!

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It's not "TDS" to point out that Donald Trump is unique among presidential candidates for cursing, crude sexual comments, and statements of violence. Just in that last video:


He asks the audience, "Do you want to see me knock the hell out of people backstage?" (Simply for not setting up a microphone in a manner that didn't suit him.)

What candidate in presidential history has ever said something like that?

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Oh yes, he should really do that and maybe the Dems will do the responsible thing and pull him off the ticket.

You simple twit.

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