It IS hand-waving. "Very good" IS hand-waving. You're not being specific on anything. Gary WAS being specific in his last article: "Waymo runs in a few extremely well-mapped cities with mostly very good weather, but to my knowledge it’s never been tested in places with bad weather, poorly mapped roads, alternative driving patterns, etc. …
It IS hand-waving. "Very good" IS hand-waving. You're not being specific on anything. Gary WAS being specific in his last article: "Waymo runs in a few extremely well-mapped cities with mostly very good weather, but to my knowledge it’s never been tested in places with bad weather, poorly mapped roads, alternative driving patterns, etc. The generality of Waymo’s approach is very much still in question"
You didn't mention any situation involved with Cruise, because those are real world situations that Waymo couldn't come close to handling either. They know it'd just do just as bad as Cruise did. I don't see even remotely similar situations in the simulation examples either. Those situations are gross simplifications, as the Cruise pedestrian-dragging scenario showed.
Uh, 10+ years of development isn’t “rushing” but “a gross underestimation of the issue”. The Apollo program was done developing in that same time. Here’s what will happen: all the rest of them will either fold as so many AD companies already did or forced to abandon full AD as Tesla has practically had to do. It’s high time to face reality.
It IS hand-waving. "Very good" IS hand-waving. You're not being specific on anything. Gary WAS being specific in his last article: "Waymo runs in a few extremely well-mapped cities with mostly very good weather, but to my knowledge it’s never been tested in places with bad weather, poorly mapped roads, alternative driving patterns, etc. The generality of Waymo’s approach is very much still in question"
You didn't mention any situation involved with Cruise, because those are real world situations that Waymo couldn't come close to handling either. They know it'd just do just as bad as Cruise did. I don't see even remotely similar situations in the simulation examples either. Those situations are gross simplifications, as the Cruise pedestrian-dragging scenario showed.
Uh, 10+ years of development isn’t “rushing” but “a gross underestimation of the issue”. The Apollo program was done developing in that same time. Here’s what will happen: all the rest of them will either fold as so many AD companies already did or forced to abandon full AD as Tesla has practically had to do. It’s high time to face reality.
Exactly which fundamentals, in exactly which way?
Alphabet folded a whole load of things. They're famous for their Google Graveyard.
"Safe cars" is a sales pitch for Volvo, not for cars that crash into stationary objects like highway dividers and parked fire trucks in fatal accidents. Where is your reference? Here is mine: